Seeing Pink, Thinking Red

If you are one of the few Americans who don’t watch football or baseball in October, you may not be aware that it is National Breast Cancer Awareness month (which tends to overshadow the other commemoratives, including the all-important National Pizza Month).  Ever since 1991, the pink ribbon has been the symbol of seeking the…

Discouraging People

God’s people had been suffering in captivity for about 90 years.  A new generation was given the opportunity to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple of the LORD.  It was an awesome task that would take great strength and courage.  The Promised Land was infested with their enemies, adding to the difficulty.  Look at…

Re-gifting our Children

Hannah desperately wanted a child of her own.  She received little sympathy from her husband, was persecuted by her husband’s other wife, and was even misjudged by the high priest.  Her only hope to reverse her barrenness from the LORD was the LORD.  So, she prayed and cried and prayed some more–and the LORD answered…